Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sacred Site in Tibet

Mount Kailash 冈仁波齐峰

Yangzhuoyongcuo lake羊卓雍错

Namtso Lake 纳木措湖

Lake Manasarovar 玛旁雍错

Yarlung Tsangpo River 雅鲁藏布江

The Yarlung Tsangpo River is intimately linked to the history of Tibetan civilization, indigenous religious beliefs and practices, and ultimately to the Tibetan identity.

The Yarlung Valley is the home of the earliest Tibetan kings known as the Yarlung Dynasty. From its sources near the sacred Mt. Kailash, the Yarlung Tsangpo valley is dotted with pilgrimage sites and power-places such as meditation caves of past masters and beyul ("hidden valleys") for spiritual practices. 

The river is also shown in paintings of the famous imagery of Tibet as a supine demoness (སྲིན་མོ་གན་རྐྱལ༑)

Beyul of pemako

Read more on beyul of pemako

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